Impartation 2: How to Be Imparted
Apostle Niyi Makinde
We are going to examine ten ways impartation can happen.
1. There Is the Impartation that Comes from Hearing
Eze. 2:2 - The Spirit entered me when He spoke to me.
When you listen to the words of spiritual entities, the spirit of their words enters into you and you are imparted.
Jn. 6:63 shows words are spirit. Jesus said the words I have spoken to you are spirit and life. The spirit there isn’t Holy Spirit but a force. Jesus meant the words I have spoken to you are force. If He spoke on faith and you hear it, it means he spoke the force of faith and that force will surely enter into you. You must never joke with listening to the word of God because it’s a way of receiving impartation.
2. There Is the Impartation that Comes through Seeing
2 Kings 2:10-12. Elijah said, you shall have it when you see me. When you watch a man of God, you can catch something and receive an impartation. Many had received healing anointed by watching healing ministers. The anointing can be caught but you need to see before you can catch it.
The seeing here isn’t just about your physical eyes but your inner eyes. God must open your inner eyes to see clearly what the Lord is showing you. In other words, God should open your understanding to see what is not see with physical eyes. We see by sense or by faith. It’s the eyes of your understanding that grant you access to see spiritually.
3. There Is the Impartation that Comes through Touch
Deut. 34:9. Moses laid hands on Joshua and He was filled with the spirit of wisdom. When you are touched or hands laid on you, something is imparted to you. Gifts are imparted through laying of hands.
4. There Is the Impartation that Comes through Corporate Release
Numbers 11:24-27. This is what makes people do the same thing because they have the same spirit.
God took of the Spirit on Moses and put on seventy elders. Even those at home—Eldad and Medad—received it. You may be listening in your house from online and you receive something.
5. There Is the Impartation that Comes through Reading the Bible and Spiritual Books
One day, I read Acts 8, how the apostles went to Samaria to lay hands on people and get them baptized in the Holy Spirit. Suddenly, something entered me that whenever I come across anyone that needs to be baptized with the Holy Spirit, when I lay hands on them, they shall be baptized. That was how I started getting people baptized.
At another time, I read Acts 10 and saw people got baptized with the Holy Spirit as Peter spoke. Then, something entered me again that I don’t need to lay hands all the time, as I speak God will impart His people. If you read the miracles of Jesus in the gospel, God may start moving you to do what Jesus did. Remember, Jesus said he that believes in Him, the things that he do shall he do also, and greater things shall he do - John 14:12. The point is that how can you do what Jesus did when you don’t know what Jesus did. How will you know what Jesus did? Simply get into reading your Bible and you begin to see what Jesus did.
When you read a book, you are fellowshipping with the author. The author is speaking into your life through the book. The spirits, graces, wisdom in the author are released into you as you get the words in the books into your heart. Reading is a way of being imparted by another without meeting the person physically. This is one of the ways many readers were imparted by authors that were long dead. As the read, they contact the spirit and graces of the person stored in the books.
6. There Is the Impartation that Comes through Prayers and Fasting
Mark 9:29. There are these kinds that you can’t deal with without fasting and prayers. When fasting and praying, God will impart you with whatever you need to deal with such.
When you desire certain graces, anointing or wisdom to manifest in your life, as you get into prayers, God will impart you with such through the Holy Spirit. This works faster when you add fasting to it. God is ever ready to impart you with new things when you get into fasting and prayers.
7. There’s the Impartation that Comes through the Spirit of Just Men
Have you ever seen a man of God appear to you in your dream to breathe on you, lay hands on you, speak to you, etc. And you felt that you received something through that encounter. That is the spirit of just men sent to you to impart you. When such happens, you have received the dimension of the spirit that such man of God carries.
8. There Is the Impartation that Comes through Angelic Encounters
Daniel 8:16; 9:22. God can send angels to you to release something to you. There are angels of power and might, and they can be sent to you to minister to you and give you special gifts. Sometimes, this happens through dreams and visions. You have to be sensitive to angelic presence because sometimes, their appearance may not quickly shows it.
9. There Is the Impartation that Comes through Prophetic Declaration
Luke 24:50 shows Jesus blessed people when He was leaving. He blessed them by declaring words upon them.
There are men of high ranking in the spirit that their words carries power. What they declares, God confirms. When such men decree over your life, what they decree begins to manifest in your life. When a man of God stands before a congregation of your over ten thousand and declare “receive fresh grace…” You should know that that word will land on many hundreds or thousands and be turned to grace in their lives. That’s why you don’t joke with prophetic words.
10. There Is the Impartation that Comes through God’s Sovereignty and Mercy
Samuel, David, Paul fell into this category. God imparted them because He willingly decided such. Sometimes, when times and seasons change, God may decide to impart someone with a gift, grace or anointing that such didn’t search for, desire or even pray for. God just release it on that person. There are people that carry some graces and anointing that they never desire or pray for, but such just manifest in their lives. David never prayed to be a king, but God chose him to be one and caused him to be anointed.