From Glory to Glory 2
"20 There are also celestial bodies and terrestrial bodies; but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. 41 There is one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for one star differs from another star in glory."
Apostle Niyi Makinde
1. Everything God Created Has Glory
Heavenly beings have their glory; earthly beings also have theirs. The glory of the celestial refers to the glory of everything in heaven while the glory of the terrestrial refers to the glory of things on earth. Angels have their glory, animals have theirs too.
2. All Things Glorified Are Not Equal In Glory
The glory of the sun surpass the glory of the moon. Also, the glory of the moon isn't equal to the glory of the stars.
3. The Glory of a Thing or Being Can Increase
4. Glory Can Be in a Place
Great places on earth have glory. When such places are no longer regarded as great, that's what is known as departed glory.
According to Proverbs 3:35, we see that the opposite of shame is glory.
Glory is the absence of shame while shame is the absence of glory.
There is what is known as Icabod (1 Samuel 4:21-22). Icabod means departed glory. That means glory can depart from a person or place.
Nine Secrets to Glory
When God wants to add glory to your life, He gives you any of these.
1. Wisdom
Prov. 3:34-35 - The wise inherit glory. To inherit is to possess. The wise possess glory. With wisdom, you will do things that will earn you glory. Understanding is the gateway to wisdom. You can't have it and not be wise.
2. Faith
Faith comes by hearing the word. John 1:14 - The word is full of glory. To behold the word is to behold glory. The word is secret to faith. When you operate by faith, you command a dominion that can't be questioned.
3. Grace
Glory always follow grace (Psalm 84:11). You can't carry grace and not have glory.
4. Prosperity (Riches and Wealth)
The rich's man money is his glory. Poverty has no glory. Poor people don't have glory. Plenty possession are signs of prosperity which translate into glory. If you have prosperity, you have a form of glory. Prosperity is one of the ways God glorified people.
5. A Throne (Position or Status)
1 Sam. 2:8 - God can lift you and make you inherit the throne of glory. Position of honor are throne.
6. The Anointing
The anointing can draw glory to your life. When you are anointed, glory is conferred on you. You can't healed the sick by God's anointing and won't draw glory. You must just be wise to return the glory to God.
7. Excellence
You can't be excellent and not glorified. Excellence add dignity to your life. It makes you attractive and superior. Daniel engaged excellence to distinguish himself from others. You can't be excellent and not be exalted. Excellent people are exalted people.
8. People
In 1 Thess 2:20, Paul told the people that "you are our glory." The people you impart or labor over are your glory. There's glory attached to raising people. The people you raise are your glory.
9. God's Presence
The presence of God carries glory. If you are poor, the presence of God can cover you. It's prayer that compel the release of God's Presence.
Final Note:
Isaiah 48:11. Always bear in mind that God doesn't want to share His glory with anyone. You must never touch God's glory. Sometimes, God will take you through processes so you can be trained and learned never to touch His glory. Sometimes, the reason you will pray for the sick and they won't get healed is because He wants to show you that you can't healed the sick by your power. So, the next time you get to heal the sick, you will know that it's not by your power but by His and as such you will give the glory to Him.